Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dream Vacation: Maldives

Do you have a dream vacation in mind? Have you ever think where you can relax and have fun? Have you ever think where to spend your vacation leave? Maldives.

(Maldives: Anantara Resort in Maldives)

Yes Maldives, it's my favorite beach destination. Where I can relax, have fun, and spend my vacation leave. Paris my dream country but Maldives is my dream vacation spot, although I can't swim to 6 feet deep water because I'm afraid of drowning and be eaten by a shark. I'd rather die with a disease or plane crash than eaten by wild creature or ship sink. What I love in Maldives? Its scenery is so spectacularly gorgeous, the sand, the water, the environment, and the people.

But the question is...WHEN?


maldives dive travel said...

Stunning shots! Maldives is a beautiful place to visit. There's beautiful beaches, interesting culture, and kind citizen.

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hotels in paris said...

Wow it is really great to see such beautiful beaches of Maldives,now i can say Maldives is going to be a complete holiday destination.